Maarten Renckens

About Maarten Renckens

Maarten Renckens is a multidisciplinary person. He combines several functions in graphic design (design researcher, designer, Linotype technician), as landlord (facilities manager), as an Environment Expert (urban planning & building permissions), and carillon player. Above all, he does the things he likes to do.

As a design researcher, and as someone who used to have light reading difficulties himself, he took the task to enlarge the knowledge about the design parameters that could influence the reading comfort of texts. Within this context, he tests different design parameters with different audiences create more awareness of proper text design.

As a design researcher, he has an interest in typesetting technology, for which he started the project. This website collects all possible information about mechanical typesetting machines. Seeing how many organisations struggle to keep their typesetting machines running, he started this article to put the requirements to provide hot metal typesetting a sustainable future into words and actions.

Maarten further is active in architecture, more specific urban planning and building permissions. He maintains several buildings by himself.

And while not a very active carillon player anymore, he still involves himself with those instruments, currently focussing on the restauration of the carillon in the city of Damme, Belgium.

Peer reviewed articles and publications

Other textual output

Workshops, lectures and presentations

Contributed to

Received funding


I didn't do this work all alone. I received support from:

C 2021-2024 Maarten Renckens.